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Conheça o Magic Mockup

Os mockups são uma ótima forma de impressionar ainda mais seus clientes, e também são uma ótima forma para valorizar o seu trabalho
Ja deixei aqui alguns sites para fazer download grátis de mockups. Mas hoje vou deixar um site exclusívo, para realizar seus trabalhos.





20 sites para download gratuito de vetores

Alguns mockups de logotipos para download free


Magic Mockups



o Magic Mockups é um site totalmente free que fornece templates de mac, iphone e tablets em geral. aqui você pode montar seus mockups de uma maneira facil e online.
É só fazer o oploud dos seus jobs.

Ilustração e fotografia de Sébastien Del Grosso

Que tal unir a fotografia e a ilustração em uma foto só, é isso mesmo. O ilustrador e freelancer Sébastien Del Grosso, faz isso ao manipular digitalmente fotografias e inserir ilustrações, e o resultado é genial com uma sequência de imagens criativas, que mostram a habilidade do designer com ilustração.         CONFIRA OUTROS ARTIGOS: 10 incriveis fontes manuscritas para download grátis Conheça o Blue Vertigo, uma grande diversidade de links úteis 20 sites para baixar vetores grátis

Designer ilustra as várias faces de David Bowie

Essa semana tivemos a triste notícia de seu falecimento. David faleceu nessa segunda-feira (11) aos 69 anos de idade, depois de uma longa luta contra o câncer. David Bowie recentemente lançou um clip no youtube com o hit Lazarus. David Bowie um britânico ícone do rock mundial e que com certeza fará muita falta, porém jamais será esquecido. Alguns artistas fizeram uma homenagem o artista britânico com ilustrações que mostram várias faces de sua carreira. E uma delas foi a designer britânica Helen Green, que um gif incrível com várias ilustrações de David Bowie que se espalhou pela internet.   .

imagens surrealistas de Jati Putra Pratama

As imagens surrealistas de Jati Putra Patrama

O movimento surrealista teve origem em Paris por meados de 1920 e ainda continua influenciando diversos artistas reconhecidos mundialmente. Um desses artistas é Jati Putra Patrama, um criativo que desenvolve imagens tendo como font e de inspiração o movimento surrealista.
Jati Putra Pratama tem formação em design gráfico, reside na indonésia e é conhecido por usar fotos reais e transforma-las “criativamente” ao seu estilo. O artista produz imagens capazes de misturar o irreal com o real. Jati possui um portfolio alucinate e completamente criativo, o artista, vastamente talentoso nos força a imaginar quebrando as regras, superando a imagem comum.
Suas imagens surrealistas são produzidas atravéz de muita criatividade agregada ao seu talento, criando assim um surrealismo que une sua imaginação a fotos reais, conseguindo assim chegar a um resultado capaz de ganhar total atenção e admiração.

Se Salvador Dalí fosse um usuário do Instagram, pode-se dizer que sua conta seria parecida com a de Jadi, que vem ganhando cada vez mais repercussão atravéz de seu trabalho incrível, afinal ele consegue transformar imagens reais em obras de artes surrealistas.
Posso descrever o trabalho de Jati mais como um sonho do que a vida real por seus cenários sobrepostos.

Atravéz de suas imagens surrealistas, podemos ter grandes referências e estimular nossa criatividade.
Vale apena seguir esse grande artista no Instagram. Da uma conferida la Instagram de @jatiputra


O lado macabro das princesas da Disney por Jeffrey Thomas

Ilustrador resolve brincar com cachorros e super-herois da Marvel

Conheça as incríveis manipulações do Garrigosa Studio

imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas imagens surrealistas surreal_10

Sigam Jati no Instagram de @jatiputra e conheça seu incrível mundo imaginario.

Se puder deixe um comentário pra dar aquela fortalecida amiga e ajudar no crescimento do nosso mundo criativo. Obrigado pela colaboração e até o próximo post 😀

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10 incriveis fontes manuscritas para download gratis

Fala criativos guerreiros desse brasilzão! Hoje vim falar sobre fontes manuscritas para download , usadas para enfatizar o clássico… Para dar aquela atualizada no estoque deixo aqui mais de 40 fontes manuscritas e de baita estilo para aquele download camarada, confiram


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O Lado macabro das princesas da Disney

Já as conhecemos das histórias de infância, com seus personagens, vilões que as perseguem. Mas sempre termina com um final feliz.

E se isso fosse diferente, ‘’ as princesas’’ virarassem as vilãs ? sim, isso mesmo.
O cartunista, Jeffrey Thomas, decidiu trazer a tona o lado sombrio das princesas fazendo uso de tons escuros capazes de dar um tom mais macabro as ilustrações.

dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-13 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-12 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-11 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-10 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-9 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-7 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-6 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-5 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-3 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-2 dark-disney-princesses-jeffrey-thomas-1

Harvest great ideas from your company’s best assets

Harvest great ideas from your company’s best assets


Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people. Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?” Becoming an organization capable of answering this question can benefit in a number of ways:

  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.
  • Increased profits:
    The corporation will experience an increase in profits due to savings in operating costs as well as sales from new products, services and ventures.
  • Higher business values:
    The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly.
  • Lower staff turnover:
    This, combined with the culture that must exist for innovation and creativity to flourish, means that new employees will be attracted to the organization.
[stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″]
Three Social Media Hacks for the Busy Entrepreneur

Three Social Media Hacks for the Busy Entrepreneur


The new wordpress theme called Consulting WP has been lauded by critics for its presentation. The theme is made by Style Mix Themes, who have been key players in the theme industry for a long time. People were excited to see what they would come up with next; their specialty has always been designing industry specific themes. This time they have focused on the consultation industry and have hit a home run.

There are many great things within the theme which are the cause of its popularity. The biggest factor is the appearance of the theme; it disrupts theme design clichés without being unprofessional. The different possible color combinations are also being appreciated by many companies. The theme continues to rise in popularity and many other companies have expressed an interest in deploying it on their new websites. The creators of the theme are happy with the response and have vowed to create further themes exploring the same concepts

  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.
  • Increased profits:
    The corporation will experience an increase in profits due to savings in operating costs as well as sales from new products, services and ventures.
  • Higher business values:
    The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly.
  • Lower staff turnover:
    This, combined with the culture that must exist for innovation and creativity to flourish, means that new employees will be attracted to the organization.
[stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″]
[vc_cta h2=”Looking for a First-Class Business Plan Consultant?” h2_font_container=”font_size:20px|color:%23ffffff|line_height:24px” h2_use_theme_fonts=”yes” shape=”square” style=”flat” add_button=”right” btn_title=”get a quote” btn_style=”flat” btn_color=”theme_style_2″ btn_align=”right” btn_i_align=”right” btn_i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-right” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” btn_link=”url:%23||” btn_add_icon=”true” el_class=”third_bg_color” css=”.vc_custom_1459505851233{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][/vc_cta]
Stick with Your Concept but Do Your Homework

The new wordpress theme called Consulting WP has been lauded by critics for its presentation. The theme is made by Style Mix Themes, who have been key players in the theme industry for a long time. People were excited to see what they would come up with next; their specialty has always been designing industry specific themes. This time they have focused on the consultation industry and have hit a home run.

There are many great things within the theme which are the cause of its popularity. The biggest factor is the appearance of the theme; it disrupts theme design clichés without being unprofessional. The different possible color combinations are also being appreciated by many companies. The theme continues to rise in popularity and many other companies have expressed an interest in deploying it on their new websites. The creators of the theme are happy with the response and have vowed to create further themes exploring the same concepts

  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.
  • Increased profits:
    The corporation will experience an increase in profits due to savings in operating costs as well as sales from new products, services and ventures.
  • Higher business values:
    The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly.
  • Lower staff turnover:
    This, combined with the culture that must exist for innovation and creativity to flourish, means that new employees will be attracted to the organization.
[stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″]
[vc_cta h2=”Looking for a First-Class Business Plan Consultant?” h2_font_container=”font_size:20px|color:%23ffffff|line_height:24px” h2_use_theme_fonts=”yes” shape=”square” style=”flat” add_button=”right” btn_title=”get a quote” btn_style=”flat” btn_color=”theme_style_2″ btn_align=”right” btn_i_align=”right” btn_i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-right” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” btn_link=”url:%23||” btn_add_icon=”true” el_class=”third_bg_color” css=”.vc_custom_1459505851233{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][/vc_cta]